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Full-Text Index Population Errors, 7683 4/30/2008 2:44:30 PM

Tips for Troubleshooting Full-Text Index Population Errors

The example below is a typical error you will receive in an email and is also the same error found in the SQL Server error log.

BCTFSQL01, Error: 7683, Severity: 16, State: 1.

Errors were encountered during full-text index population for

            table or indexed view        '[STS_Content_TFS].[dbo].[Docs]',

            database                  'STS_Content_TFS' ( table or indexed view ID  '2089058478', database ID '15' )


When an error occurs during a crawl, the Full-Text Search crawl logging facility creates and maintains a crawl log, which is a plain text file.


Each crawl log corresponds to a particular full-text catalog. By default crawl logs for a given instance, in this case, the first instance, are located in Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG folder. The crawl log file follows the following naming scheme:




For example, SQLFT0001500005.LOG is the crawl log file for a database with database ID = 15, and full-text catalog ID = 5.


The LOG at the end of the file name indicates that there is only one crawl log file for this database, although in some cases there could be 2, then there would be a 2 at the end of the file name indicating that there are two crawl log files/catalog pair.


So for TFS the crawl log is located at the following location:

\\{server name}\c$\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG


You need to check the crawl log for the error to get the full-text key value which is a hex value. Part of the error entry in the crawl log will be somethin like this:

Error '0x8004170c: The document format is not recognized by the filter.' occurred during full-text index population for table or indexed view '[STS_Content_TFS].[dbo].[Docs]' (table or indexed view ID '2089058478', database ID '15'),

full-text key value 0x51212D1F9462944E97329D29B35E050F. Attempt will be made to reindex it.


Once you have the full-text key value, connect to the database, in this case ‘STS_Content_TFS’ on {server name} and query the table, in this case it’s ‘docs’ where the id equals the full-text key value.

FROM [STS_Content_TFS].[dbo].

There is a column called DirName,  If you append http://bctfapp01/ to the front of the contents of the DirName column and paste that into IE it will take you out to the website where the document with the error is located.

http://bctfapp01/sites/Tax Team Studio/katn/Shared Documents/Projects/DDM

From there the actual issue could be anything, so it’s best to look at who last updated the document and contact them to take care of the issue.

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