Dim FileName, Find, ReplaceWith, FileContents, dFileContents,bBackup,bBackupExtension,BackupFileName Find = WScript.Arguments(0) ReplaceWith = WScript.Arguments(1) FileName = WScript.Arguments(2) No_Messages = WScript.arguments(3) bBackup = Wscript.arguments(4) bBackupExtension= Wscript.arguments(5) 'Read source text file FileContents = GetFile(FileName) 'replace all string In the source file dFileContents = replace(FileContents, Find, ReplaceWith, 1, -1, 1) 'Compare source And result if dFileContents <> FileContents Then 'Take backup before writing new file, if flag is true If bBackup = "True" Then BackupFileName = FileName & bBackupExtension WriteFile BackupFileName, FileContents End If 'write result If different WriteFile FileName, dFileContents If No_Messages = "False" Then Wscript.Echo "Replace done." If Len(ReplaceWith) <> Len(Find) Then 'Can we count n of replacements? Wscript.Echo _ ( (Len(dFileContents) - Len(FileContents)) / (Len(ReplaceWith)-Len(Find)) ) & _ " replacements." End If End If Else If No_messages = False Then Wscript.Echo "Searched string Not In the source file" End If End If 'Read text file function GetFile(FileName) If FileName<>"" Then Dim FS, FileStream Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") on error resume Next Set FileStream = FS.OpenTextFile(FileName) GetFile = FileStream.ReadAll End If End Function 'Write string As a text file. function WriteFile(FileName, Contents) Dim OutStream, FS on error resume Next Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set OutStream = FS.OpenTextFile(FileName, 2, True) OutStream.Write Contents End Function